DSB - Example 2

In this example, the user generated Product Volume on Level 1 of his Unilevel Structure. The user will receive Direct Sales Commission

Initial situation:


We reference the "Unilevel Structure 1.1".


We reference the "Regular Rank Calculation 2" and "Ranks Table"

Qualifying Period:

This calculation is based on the following assumed Qualifying Period. Start: 01.01.2023 00:00 EST End: 31.01.2023 23:59 EST Cutoff Time: 14.02.2023 23:59 EST Distribution Day: 15.02.2023


Any invoice that has - the issue date between 01.01.2023 00:00 EST to 31.01.2023 23:59 EST - the status: "completed", "resolved", "overpayment" will be considered for the calculation. The Affiliate Status must be Active at the snapshot time of 31.01.2023 23:59 EST The Customer Ratio must be meet at the snapshot time of 31.01.2023 23:59 EST Calculation time will be done up to the Cutoff Time ( 14.02.2023 23:59 EST ), any changes after the will be ignored.

User Information:

Based on the "Regular Rank Calculation 2", the User has the Rank Influencer. - Direct Sales Compensationbase: 12%

We assume the following Invoices within the assumed Qualifying Period for you personally:

Product purchasedVolume

Basic Gold


SubscriptionExpiration Date

Affiliate Bronze

27.12.2022 15:23 EST

Affiliate Gold

27.6.2023 15:23 EST

Affiliate Status Check:

The latest expiration date for any Affiliate Subscription is: 27.6.2022 15:23 EST Since that is after the snapshot time of: 31.01.2023 23:59 EST The Affiliate Status is considered active. When the Affiliate Status is active, the user continues in the calculation process.

Volume from Invoices:

We assume the following Volume within your Unilevel Structure that was generated between the Start and End.

Users within Level 1:

User 1: 600 Volume User 2: 4.600 Volume User 3: 1.200 Volume User4: 600 Volume User5 will not yield any Direct Sales Bonus for User, since the user is at Level 2 in the Unilevel Structure.

Commission Calculation

This results in the following compensation: User 1: 600 Volume * 12 = $72 User 2: 4.600 Volume * 12 = $552 User 3: 1200 Volume * 12 = $144 User 4: 600 Volume * 12 = $72 Total: $840 Commission


In this example, the user will receive $840 Direct Sales Commission on the Distribution Day: 15.02.2023.

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