Rank Calculation


The Rank calculation is the process where the rank of each user will be validated. This calculation takes place every 15 minutes, beginning at 0, 15, 30 and 45 minute mark of every hour. Therefore, the Update of the rank happens in 15 minute intervals. In order to account for the delay of payment methods as well as potential cancelations or refunds of orders, the final Rank Calculation will be done after the Cut Off time of the period. This will set the final Rank for the Qualifying Period. Once a certain Rank is confirmed after the Cut Off time, it is considered achieved for a Lifetime. The user will from that point on be compensated based on this new Lifetime Rank. Once a higher rank is achieved, commission calculation will be based on this new higher rank.

Regular Rank Calculation

The Regular Rank calculation is based on the Regular Qualifying Period and will be used to calculate the second period after registration as well as every month afterwards of every user.

Regular Rank Calculation

Faststart Rank Calculation

The Faststart Rank Calculation is based on the Faststart Qualifying Period and will be used to calculate the first Period of every user.

Faststart Rank Calculation

Last updated


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