

Within the Binary structure, you have the ability to assign your referrals into either your left or right Placement Line and therefore allow team leader within that structure to help the customer while the team leader gets compensated for that based on the Binary Bonus. By placing your referral in the Placement Line of the team leader, you spillover customers to your existing team leaders.

This will mean if you have UserLeft placed in the left and UserRight in the right substructure, the 3rd user (User3) will be placed either in the left Placement Line of UserLeft or the right Placement Line of User Right following Valid User Placement. Here, it is irrelevant if Placement of User 3 was done with Manual Placement or Automated Placement

Example 1

Lets assume, User4 gets placed to the right Placement Line. Meaning, you assign User4 into the right Binary Substructure of User2. Note that User4 is not in the Unilevel Structure of User2. The existence of User2 is not relevant for the Signup of User4. Now, User3 can be referred to as "Spillover" from you for UserLeft.

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