Minimum Volume


Minimum Volume defines how much Product Volume + Rank Volume must have been generated within the Qualifying Period in order to qualify for a certain rank. For Minimum Volume, only the Product Volume from your Unilevel Structure as well as your own Rank Volume will be considered.

Only Invoices with the status: - completed - resolved - overpayment will be considered towards this requirement.

To get the total Volume achieved, all valid invoices within the Qualifying Period related to the rank calculation will be summed up.

Example 1

If you reach a total Volume of 58.000, this means you would be able to qualify for the Rank "Ruby" and any rank below - depending on if the other qualifications are meet accordingly. Note that the total Volume that can be counted towards this criteria can be limited by the Leg Size Limit. Please check the Example from Leg Size Limit for a detailed example of the relation between Minimum Volume and Leg Size Limit.

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