Regular Rank Calculation


The Regular Rank calculation is based on the Regular Qualifying Period. For every Period after the registration of the user a Regular Rank will be calculated. In the Regular Rank Calculation, you can only advance in the Rank if you meet all Rank Qualifications for the next higher Rank.

Example 1

In this example, since the Affiliate Status check is negative, no rank calculation will be done for this user. Even if he would meet all other qualifications for a new Rank, he will not advance in Rank.

RRC - Example 1

Example 2

In this example, the user qualifies for the Rank Influencer.

RRC - Example 2

Example 3

In this example, the user qualifies for the Rank Saphire. Here the Leg Size Limit is relevant but not problematic in the Rank calculation.

RRC - Example 3

Example 4

In this example, the user qualifies for the Rank Ambassador. Here the Leg Size Limit is relevant and problematic in the Rank calculation. If the Volume were distributed more evenly, User would achieve the Rank Saphire without any additional volume. Additional Volume either from personal or within the Unilevel Structure of at least 1000 would be enough to achieve Saphire in this example.

RRC - Example 4

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