Unilevel Structure


The Unilevel Structure gets build through referral only. Ever user that signs up with your affiliate link is your in your Unilevel Structure Level 1. Every user can have an unlimited amount of Unilevel Substructures.

User Placement

Note that Placement can not be changed and is set by the usage of the referral link by the time the new customer completes his registration. Other than in the Binary Structure, there is no manual placement to be done in order to affect the Unilevel Structure. Therefore it is highly advised to ensure the client uses the correct referral link.

The Sponsor of the user is on the users Sponsor Line. Extending this logic, the Sponsor of your Sponsor is also on your Sponsor Line.

Sponsor Line

Example 1

If you sign up 4 users, your Unilevel Structure is 1 level deep with 4 individual "substructures" all consisting of 1 user.

Example 1.1

Lets say User4 used his referral link for registration and now referes User5. Then User5 is in the Unilevel Structure Level 1 of User4 and Level 2 of your Unilevel structure. Now, your Team of User4 contains of 2 users.

Advanced Structure

Further, here is an example of your Unilevel Structure that is up to 3 Levels deep and has 4 substructures.

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