RRC - Example 3

Qualifying Period:

This calculation is based on the following assumed Qualifying Period. We reference the "Advanced Unilevel Structure". Start: 01.01.2023 00:00 EST End: 31.01.2023 23:59 EST Cutoff Time: 14.02.2023 23:59 EST Any invoice that has - the issue date between 01.01.2023 00:00 EST to 31.01.2023 23:59 EST - the status: "completed", "resolved", "overpayment" will be considered for the calculation. Any changes to Invoices after the Cutoff Time ( 14.02.2023 23:59 EST ) will be ignored. The Affiliate Status must be Active at the snapshot time of 31.01.2023 23:59 EST

User Information:

We assume the following Invoices within the assumed Qualifying Period for you personally:

Product purchasedVolume

Basic Business


SubscriptionExpiration Date

Affiliate Bronze

27.12.2022 15:23 EST

Affiliate Gold

27.6.2023 15:23 EST

Affiliate Status Check:

The latest expiration date for any Affiliate Subscription is: 27.6.2022 15:23 EST Since that is after the snapshot time of: 31.01.2023 23:59 EST The Affiliate Status is considered active. When the Affiliate Status is active, the user continues in the calculation process.

Volume from Invoices:

We assume the following Volume within your Unilevel Structure that was generated between the Start and End.

Calculation of Rank Volume with Leg Size Limit

Volume Substructure 1: 600 Volume Substructure 2: 19.000 Volume Substructure 3: 1.200 Volume Substructure 4: 1.800 Personal Rank Volume: 4.800 Total: 27.400 Volume Based on the minimum Rank Volume, this user can only qualify for the Rank Saphire or below.

Calculation Saphire

For the Rank Saphire, we have: - Minimum Volume: 20.000 - Leg Size Limit: 80% Following the Leg Size Limit, we get the following:

Volume Substructure 1: 600 Volume Substructure 2: 16.000 Volume Substructure 3: 1.200 Volume Substructure 4: 1.800 Personal Rank Volume: 4.800 Total: 24.400 Volume 24.000 is greater or equal than 20.000, so the Minimum Volume for the Rank Saphire is met. If this would not be the case, the same Leg Size Limit Check would be done with the values from the Rank Ambassador. Check Example 2 to see this case.


In this example, the user qualifies for the Rank Saphire. Here the Leg Size Limit is relevant but not problematic in the Rank calculation.

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