Rank Qualifications


In order to achieve a certain Rank, you need to meet the following qualifications, all at once within the same Qualifying Period.

Active Affiliate Status

In order to advance in Ranks, you have to have an active Affiliate Status at the end of the Qualifying Period.

Affiliate Status

Minimum Volume

Minimum Volume defines how much Volume must have been generated within the Qualifying Period in order to qualify for a certain rank. For Minimum Volume, only the Product Volume from your Unilevel Structure as well as your own Rank Volume will be considered.

Minimum Volume

Leg Size Limit

Each Unilevel Substructure as well as your personal Rank Volume can not contribute more than "Leg Size Limit" % towards the Minimum Volume Requirement. This criteria should ensure that the min Volume is achieved with not only one Team from the Unilevel Structure from an Affiliate Partner.

Leg Size Limit

Last updated


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