Placement Rules


In order to keep competition fair, you can not randomly place anywhere within the Binary Structure. This will be insured by certain rules that will be followed during all placement activity.

Here are the 2 Rules to follow:

  • Placement is permanent, once placed it can not be changed.

  • A user can only be placed at the end of your left or right Placement Line.

Valid Placement

Valid Placement Example 1.1

Case: Valid placement for your very first placement.


Valid Placement Example 1.2

Valid Placement Example 2.1

Case: Valid placement for you if you already have a more sophisticated Binary Structure:


Valid Placement Example 2.2

Unavailable Placement

Case: Desired Placement Position is not available since it does not lay on the left or right Placement Line.

Below you see all possible placement positions for User4 marked green. Every other empty position that is marked red is not within your Placement Lines, meaning you can not place any users from your Holdingtank to that position.

Last updated


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