Faststart Rank Calculation


Considering the current rank calculation, it is noticeable that someone who starts on 22nd January would only have 9 days to build his rank for January.

In order to not put distributors who do not complete their registration on 1.1 at a disadvantage and to provide equal opportunity for all, the calculation of the first periods rank will be based on the Faststart Qualifying Period. The Faststart Rank Caclulation is done exactly as the Regular Rank Calculation, only the Qualifying Period changes. For full examples, please check Regular Rank Calculaton.

Example 1

Qualifying Period:

This calculation is based on the following assumed Faststart Qualifying Period. User signed up at: 08.01.2023 at 15:57 EST Start: 08.01.2023 at 15:57 EST End: 08.02.2023 at 15:56 EST Cutoff Time: 22.02.2023 23:59 EST Any invoice that has - the issue date between 08.01.2023 at 15:57 EST to 08.02.2023 at 15:56 EST - the status: "completed", "resolved", "overpayment" will be considered for the calculation. Any changes to Invoices after the Cutoff Time (22.02.2023 23:59 EST ) will be ignored. The Affiliate Status must be Active at the snapshot time of 08.02.2023 at 15:56 EST

Last updated


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