Unilevel Bonus


The Unilevel Bonus calculation is based on: Period: Regular Qualifying Period. Structure: Unilevel Structure Compensation Metrics: Product Volume Rank Relation: Regular Rank Amount: The amount of the Unilevel Bonus depends on: - Product Volume of the purchase from your Users in Level 2 and deeper of your Unilevel Structure. - Your Rank - Your Payout Qualifications Description: Differential Level Commission means, you will receive the difference between your Unilevel Compensationbase and the highest Unilevel Compensationbase of any Affiliate on the Sponsor Line that meets the Payout Qualification for each Substructure. This differential Rate will be multiplied by the Product Volume of said Substructure to get the Unilevel Compensation for this substructure. Each Rank has a Unilevel Compensationbase value associated. If you theoretically would have a Compensationbase difference higher than 0% and would therefore receive Unilevel Comission but you fail to meet the Payout Qualifications, you will entirely loose entitlement to that Commission and it gets passed up to the next Affiliate with the same or higher Unilevel Compensationbase that meets Payout Qualification.

Example 1

In this example, since the Affiliate Status check is negative, the user will not be compensated for the Unilevel Commission.

UB - Example 1

Example 2

In this example, the user generated Product Volume on Level 1 of his Unilevel Structure. The user will not receive Unilevel Commission.

UB - Example 2

Example 3

In this example, the user generated Product Volume on Level 2 and Level 3 of his Unilevel Structure. The user will receive Unilevel Commission.

UB - Example 3

Example 4

In this example, the user generated Product Volume on Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3 of his Unilevel Structure. The user will receive Unilevel Commission.

UB - Example 4

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