Leg Size Limit


Each Unilevel Substructure as well as your personal Rank Volume can not contribute more than "Leg Size Limit" % towards the Minimum Volume Requirement. This criteria should ensure that the min Volume is achieved with not only one Team from the Unilevel Structure from an Affiliate Partner. Note that also your personal Rank Volume can be limited by the Leg Size Limit. If there is no limit, then the Volume from the Unilevel substructure will not be limited and used as is.

Example 1

To qualify for the Rank Saphire, we have the following criteria: - min Volume: 20.000 - Leg Size Limit: 80% This means, that each source of Volume can only contribute up to 80% of 20.000 UV ( 20.000 * 80% = 16.000 ) towards the total volume.

If you have one Unilevel Structure only with 19.000 Product Volume generated within this structure, it can only contribute 16.000 towards the total.

To meet the Min Volume Requirement of 20.000 for the Rank Saphire, you have the following options: - generate 4000 Rank Volume by personal purchase - generate 4000 Product Volume by an additional, unrelated Unilevel Structure - any combinations of the two above.

Last updated


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