Powerpool Bonus


The Powerpool Bonus calculation is based on: Period: Regular Qualifying Period. Structure: Unilevel Structure Compensation Metrics: Units Coupons Rank Relation: Not Rankrelated Amount: The amount of the Power Bonus depends on: - Global Sales made Company wide. - Your Ranking in the Global List - Your Payout Qualifications Description: Powerpool Bonus is a money pool, where a percentage of the global sales volume will be distributed to the highest performing Affiliates. Initially, the 10 best selling Affiliates will receive a share of the pool. Depending on the amount of sales made globally, the total number of users who will receive a Share from the Power Pool will increase in steps of 2. Position 1 will receive the highest share, every Position after has a lower share than the next higher position. The sum of Units generated and Coupons used will be the Value that is used to create the Global List, with the highest Number at Position 1. If there is a draw in value, the person that had the latest sale later will be ranked lower. If you do not meet the Payout Qualifications, you will not get ranked in the global list. If you would be within the Top Seller List and fail the Payout Qualifications, you will not be entitled to the commission for your position and every person below you in the list will be ranked one position higher instead.

Coupin Usage

For each Unit generated, you can use Coupons that you received from personal purchase. For Ranking in the Power Pool List, the amount of Units generated by Purchase in Level 1 of your Unilevel Structure will be summed. With the use of coupons, you can increase your total count and therefore potentially get ranked higher.

Coupon Usage

Example 1

In this example, since the Affiliate Status check is negative, the user will not be compensated for the PowerPool Commission.

PPB - Example 1

Example 2

In this example, the user did not achieve enough Units / have enough Coupons to be within the compensated Top Performer List. The user will not receive PowerPool Commission.

PPB - Example 2

Example 3

In this example, the user did achieve enough Units / have enough Coupons to be within the compensated Top Performer List. The user will receive PowerPool Commission.

PPB - Example 3

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