Sponsor Line


By default after signup, the Unilevel Structure will be empty. The Sponsor of the user is on the users Sponsor Line. Extending this logic, the Sponsor of your Sponsor is also on your Sponsor Line. The Sponsor line gets built automatically be the use of the referral Link and can not be changed. This means, you are autmatically in the Sponsor Line of every user within your Unilevel Substructure. However, you are not in the Sponsor Line of any user that you can not see in your Unilevel Substructure. You can see your direct Sponsor by visiting: https://www.infinity-backoffice.com/account/overview

This means the User with the Username "Infinity" is your Sponsor. You used the referral Link of "Infinity" for signup.

Example 1

Case: User2 is in the Sponsor Lane of User8

Example 2

Case: User6 is not in the Sponsor line of User3

Last updated


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